Build a rock-hard core like fitness trainer Chontel Duncan with her snappy eight-minute workout.
Six-pack abs don’t come easy. It takes tons of discipline in the kitchen and on the exercise mat. But power through this intense Shape-exclusive workout designed by FIERCE program founder and Sweat app trainer, Chontel Duncan and you’ll be one step closer to abs like hers that are totally #goals.
Expect a sweet burn in your core just minutes into this bodyweight routine – also perfect as a finisher to any cardio workout. Sexy abs, here we come.
Chontel Duncan demonstrates the moves in this workout video.
The plan
Do as many good reps as possible of these moves in order – 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. One round takes four minutes. Aim to complete two rounds.
Total time
8 minutes
You’ll need
An exercise mat
(Also read: Jia En’s Ultimate Ab Workout Will Set Your Core on Fire)
1. X Plank
[A] Get into plank position with hands on floor shoulder-width apart. Engage abdominals and maintain a straight back. Ensure that both hands are directly below your shoulders. This is your starting position.
[B] As you inhale, push your hips towards ceiling and reach right hand towards left foot.
[C] Exhale and lower hands back to starting position
[D] Inhale and repeat with left hand.
(Also read: 6 Best Core Strengthening Exercises for Beginners)
2. Side Plank Oblique Crunch
[A] Place left forearm on ground directly below shoulder. Straighten legs, engage obliques and lift hips off mat. Extend right hand above your head. Your body should be in a straight line. This is your starting position.
[B] Exhale. While maintaining a straight back and engaging abdominals, bring right knee towards your shoulder and right elbow towards your knee. [C] Return to starting position, repeat for 20 seconds before switching sides for the remaining time.
Scale down: Hold a side plank for 20 seconds on each side.
3. Bent-Leg Jackknife
[A] Lie on your back with arms extended above your head. Engage your core and lift legs off the mat slightly. This is your starting position.
[B] Inhale and bend your knees and use your abdominals to draw them towards your chest. Ensure feet stays together. At the same time, bring arms overhead and towards your feet while lifting your head, shoulder blades and torso off the mat. [C] Exhale and lower your arms and legs back to starting position with control. Repeat.
(Also read: Do These 8 Core Exercises If You Want Six-Pack Abs)
4. Heel Tap
[A] Lie on your back with arms by your side. Bend your knees and position your feet firmly on mat, hip-width apart. Lift your head, shoulder blades and arms off mat with control. This is your starting position.
[B] Bend your torso to the right and reach right hand towards right ankle.
[C] Return to starting position and repeat on the left side.
Scale up: Perform each movement as slow as you can.