It’s true: Abs are mostly made in the kitchen. But you can still get abs without sticking to a special diet.
You can work out hard but not see any six-pack abs because of the layer of fat that rests above it. The key to abs is usually found in overall fat loss from strength training, cardio, and a healthy diet.
While some guide to abs will recommend eating a super “clean” diet, that might be difficult and unsustainable to follow long-term. Instead of cutting out specific ingredients and going cold-turkey on sugar or other treats, use these tips to help you along your ab journey while still having a regular diet. Of course, a “regular diet” in this sense means eating everything in moderation, and not just eating junk food and expecting to get a flat tummy.
(Also read: Worst Hawker Centre Habits According to A Dietitian)
Eat a balanced diet
An easy way to eat more healthily is to make sure every meal is a balanced one. This means a portion of carbs, a cup of greens, as well as a healthy protein source. Having a well-divided plate will help you portion control, preventing you from overeating or over-indulging.
Eating sufficient food will also fuel your body so you can complete workouts, get through your day with energy, and help your body to build muscles and recover well.
(Also read: How to Order Healthier Dishes When Eating Out, According to A Dietitian)
Don’t just focus on ab exercises
Doing only core exercises is not enough. Sure, core exercises will help to strengthen your abs, but it’s hard to see those abs when there’s fat covering them.
To reduce belly fat, do workouts that burn more calories such as cardio, HIIT, and strength training. Since you can’t target fat loss (unfortunately), your best option would be to do full-body exercises that will slim down your waist and eventually reveal those ab muscles.
(Also read: 5 Effective Home Workouts to Blast Belly Fat)
Check your progress at the right time
A mistake people make when working towards getting abs is over-checking their progress or checking in at the wrong time. Eating and drinking causes your whole body, specifically your belly, to bloat. Doing body checks right after eating will probably just discourage you.
It is best to take progress pictures first thing in the morning when there is no food in your system. This is when you are the leanest, which will show you a true representation of your progress that is likely to be more encouraging than if you were to check at night. Checking once a week is good enough, as you might not see noticeable changes if you check every day.
With pictures to prove progress, you will be more motivated to continue eating well and working hard.
(Also read: The Most Effective Exercises to Lose Belly Fat)