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There are a variety of reasons as to why us locals love heading to Johor Bahru (JB): the food, the entertainment… and the vastly more affordable prices, of course, especially when it comes to beauty services. Getting your hair dyed over there, for instance, can cost half the price than it does t […]
Singapore is a nation of foodies; there is nothing we love more than indulging in our favourite meal. I can safely say no one loves eating as much as we do. Ask anyone where to get the best chicken rice and you might find yourself in a rather heated debate. There is no denying that we are ardent […]
Many of us can’t start our mornings without a kick of caffeine. When consumed in moderation – no more than three cups a day, coffee has its proven benefits. Research has found it to be good for your heart, liver and memory. However, how you take your coffee matters as well. Keep your cup […]
(Also read: Why Running Should Be A Mainstay in Your Weekly Running Routine ) What’s your leg type? The next thing to figure out is your leg structure. Are you blessed with normal straight legs or born with slightly knocked knees, or bow legged? Most of the time, these conditions are hardly no […]