No, what you’re looking at is not an all-new size of Louis Vuitton’s popular bucket bag, but rather an accessory that’s part of the extended Noé family known as the Noé Pouch. Its function is relatively simple. Armed with a drawstring leather closure that opens with ease, the pouch has a roomy depth that’s perfect for storing everything from your favourite beauty products to electronic gadgets, rendered in an ultra-supple Monogram Canvas body that allows it to be kept easily in your everyday bag or oversized totes.
Now, you might have missed this out especially if you’ve been focusing on getting bags and SLGs in recent months, because the highly versatile Noé Pouch can only be found within Louis Vuitton’s Travel range, nestled amongst the numerous cosmetic pouches and packing cubes the luxury brand has to offer. Because of the supple nature of the pouch, it can be folded flat and taken easily with you on your travels, but no one’s stopping you from using it for the day-to-day as a lunch bag, considering it comes with a wide opening and voluminous body that’s great for almost anything.
The best part? It’s furnished with a washable interior lining, which means you can get it cleaned easily. Priced at SGD1110, the Noé Pouch can be found in limited quantities at Louis Vuitton boutiques islandwide, so it’s best you head on down and make an enquiry before it gets sold out.